Worldwide unique test and demonstration room
The base facility is the co-fermentation installation with a current production of 1000-1200 M³ biogas per day. The capacity is double that. The co-fermentation is carried by 50% manure and 50% co-fermentation materials. The feed plant has the capacity to carry out research with alternative co-fermentation products. The biogas produced is converted by the Warmte Kracht Koppeling (WKK)(Combined Heat and Power, CHP) plant into electricity, CO2 and low- and high-grade heat.
Green gas installation
The biogas device is used to upgrade the gas to high-quality green gas: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) with 99% pure methane. The green gas can serve again as input for yet-to-develop new applications for adding value to green gas, or can be used for the storage of wind energy.
- More than 15 years of experience
- Partner WUR
- Deep knowledge of the sector
- Personal contact
Bioethanol Installation
With the Bioethanol installation we have a testing facility where we can research the process from fermentation to the distilling of ethanol. Due to the modular design of these installations we have the ability to replace each step with new technologies to test those in the field. We source the required electricity and heat for the bioethanol installation from the CHP plant.
We have approx. 2,300 m2 of greenhouse space. The greenhouses provide facilities for algae cultivation. The CHP plant provides the required electricity, heat energy and CO2 for the algae culture. We have several basins in which the algae are grown, after which they are moved into two large ponds. There are two identical ponds available, one of which is housed in the greenhouse, and the other is located outside the greenhouse. This provides the possibility of carrying out comparative tests.
Basin pond
We can use the outdoor basin ponds (6) in aquatic research. We obtain the required energy from the thermal storage system. The temperature of the six basin ponds are individually adjustable and they can be used throughout the year. In these basins, different plants can be grown in different aqueous waste streams.
Suitable test location
The various research modules are linked together on the 1,200 hectares test site. Thus arises the unique opportunity to deploy this broadly or as separate modules, in both large and small project studies, in areas such as smart grid concepts and applications suitable for the circular economy.
Are you interested in advancing the development of your technology with us and in testing under field conditions? Please contact Sjaak van Brugge, tel.: +31 317-481035.